Omega-Regular Decision Processes.Ernst Moritz Hahn, Mateo Perez, Sven Schewe, Fabio Somenzi, Ashutosh Trivedi, Dominik Wojtczak. In Proc. Thirty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024), pp. 21125–21133. 2024.
Mining minimal separating DFAs from labelled samples.Daniele Dell’Erba, Yong Li, Sven Schewe. In Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2024), pp. 48–66. 2024.
Omega-Regular Decision Processes.Ernst Moritz Hahn, Mateo Perez, Sven Schewe, Fabio Somenzi, Ashutosh Trivedi, Dominik Wojtczak. In Proc. Thirty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024), pp. 21125–21133. 2024.
Partially-Observable Security Games for Attack-Defence Analysis in Software Systems.Narges Khakpour, David Parker. 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2024). 2024.
History-deterministic Timed Automata.Sougata Bose, Thomas A. Henzinger, Karoliina Lehtinen, Sven Schewe, Patrick Totzke. History-deterministic Timed Automata. 2024. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, 20(4:1). 2024.
Compositional Security Analysis of Dynamic Component-based Systems.Narges Khakpour, Charilaos Skandylas. ASE ’24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Pages 1232 – 1244. 2024.
Semantics of Remote Direct Memory Access: Operational and Declarative Models of RDMA on TSO Architectures.Guillaume Ambal, Brijesh Dongol, Haggai Eran, Vasileios Klimis, Ori Lahav, Azalea Raad. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Issue OOPSLA2 Article No.: 341, Pages 1982 – 2009. OOPSLA 2024.
Program Verification in the Presence of I/O.Hugo Férée, Johannes Å. Pohjola, Ramana Kumar, Scott Owens, Magnus O. Myreen, and Son Ho. In: Piskac, R., Rümmer, P. (eds) Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments. VSTTE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11294. 2018
Checking cryptographic API usage with composable annotations (short paper).Duncan Mitchell, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Blake Loring, and Johannes Kinder. PEPM ’18: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, December 2017, 53–59. 2018
Logic in Computer ScienceOn the Quest for an Acyclic Graph.Mikolas Janota, Radu Grigore, and Vasco Manquinho. arXiv: Logic in Computer Science. 2017
ExpoSE: practical symbolic execution of standalone JavaScript.Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder. SPIN 2017: Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software, July 2017, 196–199. 2017
Test-case reduction and deduplication almost for free with transformation-based compiler testing.Alastair F. Donaldson, Paul Thomson, Vasyl Teliman, Stefano Milizia, André Perez Maselco, and Antoni Karpiński. PLDI 2021: Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2021, 1017–1032. 2021
Intensional datatype refinement: with application to scalable verification of pattern-match safety.Eddie Jones and Steven Ramsay. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 5, Issue POPL, 2021, Article No.: 55, 1–29. 2021