One of the main aims of VeTSS is to support the UK verification community, and to this end we have funded research projects on analysis, testing and verification, both via small grants and funding calls aligned with VeTSS research. We are continuing to seek support from industry and funding agencies to support our Calls for Research Projects and we hope to advertise details on this page shortly.
We also post details of external funding opportunities in our News section.
We regularly post adverts for vacancies here and on our Zulip channel. If you want us to advertise your position for PhD students, Post Docs or Faculty, send us the details to
The latest vacancies can be found below
Vacancy: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Theoretical Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for an assistant professorship (tenure track) in computer science with focus on Theoretical Computer Science including:
● Automated and Interactive Theorem Proving
● Logic
● Semantics
You can find detailed information about the role here: ETH Zurich – Theoretical Computer Science Position.
The online application for this professorship is now closed. However, applications can still be submitted […]
Vacancy: Research Fellow in Verification or Security or Concurrent/Distributed Systems
About the role
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Surrey is seeking to recruit a full-time postdoctoral research fellow to work on a range of topics in the areas including:
- emerging hardware architectures (weak memory, RDMA, persistent memory, CXL);
- formal modelling, verification and/or logic;
- interactive and automated tools, such as theorem provers and model checkers;
- proofs of safety and/or security properties;
- programming languages and/or type systems;
- concurrent and/or […]
Vacancy: Research Associate at the University of Kent
The Research Associate will participate in cutting edge research on type-based enforcement and compilation techniques for enforcement of security properties of higher-order programs. The position is on an EPSRC funded project titled “TYPDSEC: Type-based information declassification and its secure compilation”. The post is based in Canterbury and will be directly supervised by Dr. Vineet Rajani.
This position needs to be filled as soon as possible. Candidates can apply through any […]
Vacancy: Research Assistant/Associate in Software Security and Formal Analysis, University of Newcastle
Closing Date: 07 January 2024
There is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and independent individual to join an EPSRC research project (TRUSTED: SecuriTy SummaRies for SecUre SofTwarE Development) as a Research Assistant or Associate. The focus of this position is to design and develop theories and tools with solid foundations for secure open-source software development. The developed solutions will protect against software supply chain attacks where the attacker compromises […]
Vacancy: Research Associate in Program Semantics and Verification at Imperial College London
Applications are invited for a Research Associate (postdoctoral) position at Imperial College London, UK, under the supervision of Dr Azalea Raad.
This is a two-year position, with the possibility to extend it further. The start date for the position is flexible within 2023. This post is funded by a generous UKRI fellowship (£1.5m), under the PERSEVERE project, and there will be opportunities to collaborate […]
Vacancy: Research Associate in Software Security and Formal Methods at Newcastle University
Research Associate in Software Security and Formal Methods at Newcastle University
There is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and independent individual to join Newcastle Unviersity as a Research Associate (postdoctoral researcher). The focus of this position is to design and develop theories and tools with solid foundations for secure open-source software development in the context of the EPSRC research project TRUSTED: SecuriTy SummaRies […]
Vacancy: Lecturer in Programming Languages and Compilers, Bristol
The Bristol Programming Languages Research Group [0] is seeking a new Lecturer in Programming Languages and Compilers.
As a Lecturer, you will contribute your research expertise, with a specific focus on compilers, aligning with the group’s diverse interests. Embracing a broad interpretation of compilers, you will explore code generation, optimisation, static analysis, code translation, correctness, safety, and security. Your valuable insights […]
Vacancy: Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows at the University of Surrey, UK
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows at the University of Surrey, UK
Post Type: Full time (3 year fixed term)
Salary: £35,308 to £38,474 per annum
Closing Date: 1st Sept, 2023
We are seeking to recruit two full-time postdoctoral researchers to work on one or more of the areas below:
- emerging hardware architectures (weak memory, RDMA, persistent memory, CXL),
- formal modelling, verification and/or logic,
- interactive and […]