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Connecting software build with maintaining consistency between models: towards sound, optimal, and flexible building from megamodels.Perdita Stevens. Softw Syst Model 19, 935–958, 2020. 2020
Implementing Multiparty Session Types in Rust.Nicolas Lagaillardie, Rumyana Neykova, and Nobuko Yoshida. In: Bliudze, S., Bocchi, L. (eds) Coordination Models and Languages. COORDINATION 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12134. 2020
Statically verified refinements for multiparty protocols.Fangyi Zhou, Francisco Ferreira, Raymond Hu, Rumyana Neykova, and Nobuko Yoshida. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA 2020, Article No.: 148, 1–30. 2020
Foundations of Persistent Programming.Hans-J. Boehm, Ori Lahav, and Azalea Raad. In Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 11, Issue 10, pp. 94-110, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2022) 2022
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CoSMeDis: A Confidentiality-Verified Distributed Social Media Platform.Thomas Bauereiss and Andrei Popescu. Arch. Formal Proofs 2021. 2021
CoCon: A Confidentiality-Verified Conference Management System.Andrei Popescu, Peter Lammich, and Thomas Bauereiss. Arch. Formal Proofs 2021. 2021
Canonical Algebraic Generators in Automata LearningStefan Jens Zetzsche. PhD Thesis, University College London. 2023
Specifying and Verifying Persistent Transactional MemoryEleni Vafeiadi Bila. PhD Thesis, University of Surrey. 2023
Verified compilation of a purely functional language to a realistic machine semanticsHrutvik Kanabar. PhD Thesis, University of Kent. 2023
Lightweight Approaches to the Verification of Functional Programs.Eddie Jones. PhD Thesis, University of Bristol. 2023