
Publications & Reports

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C4: the C compiler concurrency checker.

Matt Windsor, Alastair F. Donaldson, and John Wickerson.

ISSTA 2021: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 2021, 670–673. 2021

Two Mechanisations of WebAssembly 1.0.

Conrad Watt, Xiaojia Rao, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Martin Bodin, and Philippa Gardner.

In Huisman, M., Păsăreanu, C., Zhan, N. (eds) Formal Methods. FM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13047. 2021

Formal verification of high-level synthesis.

Yann Herklotz, James D. Pollard, Nadesh Ramanathan, and John Wickerson.

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 5, Issue OOPSLA, 2021, Article No.: 117, 1–30. 2021

Describing and Simulating Concurrent Quantum Systems.

Richard Bornat, Jaap Boender, Florian Kammueller, Guillaume Poly, and Rajagopal Nagarajan.

In: Biere, A., Parker, D. (eds) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. TACAS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12079. 2020

Neural Networks, Secure by Construction.

Wen Kokke, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Daniel Kienitz, Robert Atkey, and David Aspinall.

In: Oliveira, B.C.d.S. (eds) Programming Languages and Systems. APLAS 2020, vol 12470.  2020

Implementing Multiparty Session Types in Rust.

Nicolas Lagaillardie, Rumyana Neykova, and Nobuko Yoshida.

In: Bliudze, S., Bocchi, L. (eds) Coordination Models and Languages. COORDINATION 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12134. 2020

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