Vacancy: Research Fellow in Verification or Security or Concurrent/Distributed Systems

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Surrey is seeking to recruit a full-time postdoctoral researcher to work on a range of topics in the areas including:

  • emerging hardware architectures (weak memory, RDMA, persistent memory, CXL);
  • formal modelling, verification and/or logic;
  • interactive and automated tools, such as theorem provers and model checkers;
  • proofs of safety and/or security properties;
  • programming languages and/or type systems;
  • concurrent and/or distributed algorithms;
  • and related topics.

The positions are funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) projects: Safe and secure COncurrent programming for adVancEd aRchiTectures (COVERT) (

Further information and application submission is here:

The deadline for applications is 28th June 2024.

This is a fixed term contract until 28/02/27, with the possibility of an extension to cover 36 months in total. For informal enquiries and further information please contact Prof. Brijesh Dongol on