Type checking beyond type checkers, via slice & run.Justus Adam and Stephen Kell. TAPAS 2020: Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis, November 2020, 23–29. 2020
Canonical Algebraic Generators in Automata LearningStefan Jens Zetzsche. PhD Thesis, University College London. 2023
Specifying and Verifying Persistent Transactional MemoryEleni Vafeiadi Bila. PhD Thesis, University of Surrey. 2023
Verified compilation of a purely functional language to a realistic machine semanticsHrutvik Kanabar. PhD Thesis, University of Kent. 2023
Lightweight Approaches to the Verification of Functional Programs.Eddie Jones. PhD Thesis, University of Bristol. 2023