Test-case reduction and deduplication almost for free with transformation-based compiler testing.Alastair F. Donaldson, Paul Thomson, Vasyl Teliman, Stefano Milizia, André Perez Maselco, and Antoni Karpiński. PLDI 2021: Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2021, 1017–1032. 2021
Compositional Assume-Guarantee Reasoning of Control Law Diagrams Using UTP.Kangfeng Ye, Simon Foster, and Jim Woodcock. In: Adamatzky, A., Kendon, V. (eds) From Astrophysics to Unconventional Computation. Emergence, Complexity and Computation, vol 35. 2020
Strongly Normalizing Higher-Order Relational Queries.Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney. 5th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, FSCD 2020. 2020