One of VeTSS’s aims is to support and bring together the verification and testing community in the UK, and to that end, we organise a series of annual events, including:
The VeTSS Annual Meeting, a one-day meeting with long and short talks, aiming to connect the VeTSS community with VeTSS adjacent research, such as AI, Quantum Computing, Security and Machine learning. The audience are academic, industry and government researchers, with an interest in safety, security, correctness, program analysis, testing, and verification.
The VeTSS Summer School is a graduate school a focus on the theory and practice of verification, open to second and third-year PhD students and early career researchers.
The VeTSS industry innovation sandpit, a one-day event with lightning talks by both academic and industry participants, followed by seedbed meetings, comprising small-group, in-depth discussions and prototyping. Each seedbed will develop a new research idea, prototype it on the day and present it to all participants at the end of the day. The sandpit will be scheduled to coincide with the next VeTSS Call for Research Projects.
You can find a calendar of all upcoming VeTSS and community events here. (contact us if you want us to advertise your event.)
Sponsorship of events: We are sometimes able to provide limited support for community events. We usually can only offer a small amount of funding, but we are always happy to hear from people organising events in the UK and will help if we can.
Isaac Newton Institute
20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This Open for Business event is part of an INI programme on Big Specification. It aims to provide a meeting ground to facilitate interactions and exchanges between representatives of academia, [...]
26th International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming 13th to 16th January 2025, Oxford, UK The symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an [...]
Bristol Watershed
1 Canon's Rd, Bristol, United Kingdom
Join us on Thursday 27th of March 2025 for a one-day event dedicated to discussing the value of feminism in the theory and practice of Computer Science and Cyber Security. This [...]