CoSMed: A Confidentiality-Verified Social Media Platform.Thomas Bauereiss and Andrei Popescu. Arch. Formal Proofs 2021. 2021
CoSMeDis: A Confidentiality-Verified Distributed Social Media Platform.Thomas Bauereiss and Andrei Popescu. Arch. Formal Proofs 2021. 2021
Bounded-Deducibility Security (Invited Paper).Andrei Popescu, Thomas Bauereiss, and Peter Lammich. In L. Cohen, & C. Kaliszyk (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP 2021, Italy, 3:1-3:20. 2021
CoCon: A Confidentiality-Verified Conference Management System.Andrei Popescu, Peter Lammich, and Thomas Bauereiss. Arch. Formal Proofs 2021. 2021