Compositional Assume-Guarantee Reasoning of Control Law Diagrams Using UTP.Kangfeng Ye, Simon Foster, and Jim Woodcock. In: Adamatzky, A., Kendon, V. (eds) From Astrophysics to Unconventional Computation. Emergence, Complexity and Computation, vol 35. 2020
Connecting software build with maintaining consistency between models: towards sound, optimal, and flexible building from megamodels.Perdita Stevens. Softw Syst Model 19, 935–958, 2020. 2020
Strongly Normalizing Higher-Order Relational Queries.Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney. 5th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, FSCD 2020. 2020
Proof-Producing Synthesis of CakeML from Monadic HOL Functions. Oskar Abrahamsson, Son Ho, Hrutvik Kanabar, Ramana Kumar, Magnus O. Myreen, Michael Norrish, and Yong Kiam Tan. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 64, 1287–1306, 2020. 2020
Putting Randomized Compiler Testing into Production (Experience Report).Alastair F. Donaldson, Hugues Evrard, and Paul Thomson. 34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2020. 2020
Program Verification in the Presence of I/O.Hugo Férée, Johannes Å. Pohjola, Ramana Kumar, Scott Owens, Magnus O. Myreen, and Son Ho. In: Piskac, R., Rümmer, P. (eds) Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments. VSTTE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11294. 2018
Checking cryptographic API usage with composable annotations (short paper).Duncan Mitchell, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Blake Loring, and Johannes Kinder. PEPM ’18: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, December 2017, 53–59. 2018
History-deterministic Timed Automata.Sougata Bose, Thomas A. Henzinger, Karoliina Lehtinen, Sven Schewe, Patrick Totzke. History-deterministic Timed Automata. 2024. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, 20(4:1). 2024.