
We aim to record as many of our talks as we can, so that people can watch later. You can find playlist for most of the events organised by VeTSS in our YouTube channel and individual videos of each talk here.

VeTSS Inaugural Meeting 2023

Kerstin Eder, “On Operational Cyber Resilience”

Mark Ryan, “Automatic Verification of Transparency Protocols”

Matt Parkinson, “Security and Legacy at Microsoft”

Chris Hankin, “The Research Institute for Trustworthy Interconnected Cyber-physical Systems”

Karine Even Mendoza, “CsmithEdge”

Simon Cooksie, ‘Rust on Morello’

VeTSS Summer School 2023

Georg Struth “Algebraic Semantics and Verification”

Jule Villard, “Build your Own Scalable Static Analysis with the Infer Platform”

Ekaterina Komendantskaya and Luca Arnaboldi, “Neural Network Verification with Vehicle”

Andrei Popescu, “Inductive and Coinductive theorem proving in Isabelle”

Annual Meeting 2024

Peter O’Hearn, Keynote, “Holistic Security from Code to Cloud”

Edoardo Manino, “Bit-Precise Neural Network Verification”

Sophia Drossopoulou, “Object Capabilities as Guards – Specification, Verification, and open calls”

Jade Alglave, “Writing formal specifications at ARM”

Darbari, “RISC-V Processor Verification: Challenges and Opportunities for Formal”

Peter Davies, “Verification and Legal Consequences”

Azalea Raad and Brijesh Dongol, Opening Talk, “Research Institute on Verified Trustworthy Software Systems (VeTSS)”

Ross Horne, “Contactless Payments Made Private via Bisimilarity”

Gregory Chockler and Guillaume Ambal, “SACRED-MA: Safe And seCure REmote Direct Memory Access”

Zheng Wang, “M4Secure: Faster and Secure Memory Management”

Elisabeth Polgreen, “Using Program Synthesis to Make your Code run Faster”

Diego Marmsoler, “Secure Smart Contracts with Isabelle/Solidity”